Jen Roth
Zach is a beyond talented and skilled practitioner. I cannot say enough good things about him and his approach to bodywork. I have received all different kinds of massage and bodywork, and none have had such long lasting results and created such effective change. After sessions, I experience blood flow, ease, fluid range in motion in places that I had assumed were impossible to have functioning again. I have such a depth of gratitude for Zach and feel so lucky to have discovered him. My body thanks him for fixing issues that would become serious problems 20 years from now. I can genuinely say that his work has made such a difference in my quality of life and offered hope and optimism for living with an aging body
Lynn Younger
While 2 sessions in one week brought some challenges, I’m pleased to report that yesterday I had periods of time when I was 90% walking with freedom of reflexive movement. Best ever in almost 5 years! Amazing work.
Thank you for making that 5th session possible even in a very busy personal time. Keep me posted if you are in town for check ups anytime in the future.