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 Our mission is to help you regain function and improve your overall quality of life. We help you get back to what your normal was and put you a path of self-reliance. Outcomes provide an evolution of movement, strength, and balance. We want you to occupy your body ongoing. Let us help you to unfurl the space within your body to do just that.

Fascial Counterstrain practioner working on patient in Arizona

Zachary Brems

Zachary is a sophisticated technician of the body. Nearly 20 years of experience in the field of manual therapy began as a Physical Therapy Technician after finishing massage therapy school. Along the way Zachary has studied and mastered many popular techniques. An interest in Classical and Traditional Chinese Medicine began his curiosity for deeply understanding the body and health. During this journey, he developed a practice in healing techniques that hold up to the test of time and scrutiny of efficacy. After being introduced to Strain Counterstrain and Fascial Counterstrain he found that the techniques abide similar principles he found in the practice of Taiji Chuan. When asked what his favorite thing to do for functionalizing fascia? “I love the self-work, doing Hun Yuan Gong and Taiji Chuan for slow profound results. But when you’re really stuck Counter Strain is the prescription.” Now Zachary continues a clinical practice using Fascial Counterstrain techniques and studies Hun Yuan Taiji with Taoist Studies Institute.

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